In the winter, your heating will work, your water will not freeze. In the summer your fridges and freezers will continue to operate, whether you are at home or on vacation. And as a bonus you will have lights in your home, probably a TV, your internet access, and you'll be able to recharge your cell phone. All of this, usually for less cost than a Sub Zero fridge !!!!!
Every business today to be operational requires telephones, computers, and internet as a bear minimum. Some businesses need more (for example: freezers and cash registers in a grocery store, all lights and medical equipment in a dental office). We can help you suggest size, install the right generator for you, no matter what type of electricity you have in your business: single phase 220V, or 3 phase 208V, either or 3 phase 600V.
We know that you cannot drive your generator to your dealer, so we do the driving, on site support, maintenance, warranty services. For most installations, once per year is enough. But we also have an optional monitor that informs you at any change in state of the generator (Self test, No utility, Generator power, etc.) that works with your INTERNET connection, either hardwired or wireless. The information can be transmitted via email, SMS or both.
The noise of the generator is measured in Decibels at a distance of 21 feet (or 7 meters). Decibels are logarithmic, so the difference between 50 and 60 is much more to the human ear than the difference
Figures are fuel consumption values at 100% (full) load. It is unlikely that the generator would run at full load for an extended period of time. Therefore, your consumption would decrease accordingly.